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The Conductive Room

Conductive therapy relies on motor learning and neuroplasticity. Kids need to be given the chance to improve on their physical abilities through task-oriented actions. As a Conductor, we need to have age appropriate tools available to facilitate the sessions and engage with the kids at a level that they can get on board with. This can mean wall ladders, toys, stools, small tables, specific types of walkers, and more.

At Early Movement Therapy we have state of the art materials and tools to facilitate our fully play-based sessions at the highest level of engagement.

Is Conductive Therapy right for your child?

You can book an initial consultation of approx. 30 minutes.

It gives you the opportunity to share your child’s progress, challenges, and your goals for them in the future.

During the consultation we will observe your child’s movements and explore what they can presently do with and without support. Based on this observations we will be able to assess whether we are right for you.

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